Guided visualisation – body scan

Here is a body scan visualization. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and close your eyes if it feels comfortable for you. Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself. When you're ready, we'll begin:

  1. Start by bringing your attention to your breath. Notice the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. Take a moment to connect with the rhythm of your breath, allowing it to become slow and deep.
  2. Now, shift your focus to the top of your head. Imagine a warm, soothing light gently descending from above, like a soft spotlight shining on the crown of your head. Feel this light enveloping your scalp, releasing any tension or tightness you might be holding there.
  3. Allow the light to slowly move down to your forehead and eyebrows. Feel the muscles in your forehead relaxing, and any furrows or lines smoothing out. Let go of any tension in this area.
  4. Now, bring your attention to your eyes. Imagine the light soothingly bathing your eyes, allowing them to relax completely. Feel any strain or tiredness melting away.
  5. Let the light travel to your cheeks and jaw. Allow the muscles in your face to soften and release any tension they might be holding. Feel your cheeks becoming loose and relaxed, your jaw unclenching.
  6. As the light continues its journey, feel it moving to your neck and throat area. Sense the warmth and relaxation spreading through these areas, releasing any tightness or constriction.
  7. Now, shift your awareness to your shoulders. Feel the gentle weight of the light sinking into your shoulders, relieving any heaviness or stress. Allow your shoulders to drop and relax.
  8. Let the light travel down your arms, all the way to your fingertips. Sense the soothing energy flowing through your arms, loosening any tightness and promoting a deep sense of relaxation.
  9. Bring your attention to your chest and heart area. Feel the light expanding in this space, bringing a sense of calm and openness. Notice the gentle rise and fall of your breath as you breathe naturally.
  10. Move your awareness to your abdomen and lower back. Allow the light to penetrate these areas, releasing any tension or discomfort. Feel your abdomen rise and fall with each breath, deeply relaxing as you let go.
  11. Direct the light to your hips and pelvis. Feel any tightness or holding in this area melting away, as the warmth of the light brings a deep sense of relaxation and ease.
  12. Now, bring your attention to your legs. Allow the light to flow down through your thighs, knees, calves, and into your feet. Feel the muscles in your legs relaxing, any heaviness or fatigue dissipating.
  13. Finally, bring your awareness to your entire body as a whole. Feel the light bathing your entire being, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Experience a profound sense of relaxation and peace.

Take a few moments to simply be with the sensations in your body and the feeling of relaxation. When you're ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, wiggling your fingers and toes, and slowly opening your eyes.

I hope this guided visualization helped you experience a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.